We tend to take the truth firsthand and personally, setting what once was a range of possibilities to just a single perspective. How we make credible sense of the world is done concretely with an opposite mindset; try and try again. Innately, pseudoscience is a survival mechanism, one where trial and error are seen as two ponds on each edge of the world and never as a river flowing into an ocean. But there must be a reason as to how they spawned, not just that they simply circulate an ecosystem.
It is a beautiful thing to realize we all come from the same ideology of faith. Even though religion and science are seen as opposites, they share the same duty of devotion. Feeling versus facts is an age-old debate, where one revives values and the other reestablishes structure, in plain sight they both call to invigorate hope. As for what hope can offer depends on the root of its faith, why we hope.
Devotion can be measured through what is absent or by what is present; what is affected and what is unaffected. How can we span the effects of devotion towards either rehabilitation or destruction? They say that what you believe is what you see, but where is the definitive line between faith and fact?
Truth sits on the spectrum of perspective. What one might interpret as a guardian angel another holds their head high to the reconciliation between garnered light and shadows. The nonsense of devotion has stunning effects on the heart, mind, and soul, each one torn to shreds, scattered to the masses, and found piece by piece, a puzzle glued together with our own realization of hope. The prefix ‘de’ means “down to the bottom, totally, completely” in the English language sense.
Reasons as to why we keep going are unique to everyone, but it is the devotion to hope that which keeps us alive.