The Good and the Bad (Sad)
What is it about warnings that make us want, filling our minds crazy with cravings for more? Alone, conjuring spirit is a task easily set in stone by what we already know. The feeling of pain teeters on a spectrum of fulfillment or disruption; I personally get upset when I think about the time I wasted feeling insecure, sad, and angry. Energy, giving and getting, is my chosen route to every misdemeanor in my path. I evidently still struggle with happiness and have come to the realization that my choices and their outcomes span into the good and the sad.
I am afraid that I will never be understood out of want, as I take that inclination of interest in everyone I meet. I think based on how I have been treated and evidently grown from those experiences, I will be my own love for as long as I live. We are all foundationally alike in the means of resilience, and even as I feel myself becoming more sensitive with each wake, I can tolerate the pain as a means of turning it into something strong and beautiful. Purpose is felt as change is dealt.
Unconditional love, patience, and understanding are learned defense mechanisms just as violence and omission; both can characterize pain. I am not sure whether it is a balance of them more than it is a right or wrong scenario that gifts us the decision with how to move forward now knowing what we do, what we cannot change.
I have learned that you cannot force people to love you or even want you. It has been as struggle of mine since my earliest memories to receive the love that I felt for the world and its miscellaneous items; a junkyard chalked full of things that were once valued and alas no more. I want to fill every cup, find peace in every happening, and truly love myself for all that I am and the reasons for what I am not. Some good things can be inherently good. Here are some I have found:
Playing Pokémon on my 3DS
How British people call their girlfriends “birds”
Memes about how high school staircases make you so out of breath
Dreams of falling in love
Latch by Disclosure
Banana Oreo shakes from PDQ
Floors when drunk
Eating something tart or sour and feeling my jaw clench
Church bells
The baby section at stores
Pink movie theater soap
When Kid Cudi goes “Kid Cudiii-iii-ii”
Spaghetti ice
The sound of faraway trains