Unrequited Love

As someone who seems to play the game of love like Thanos stealing the infinity stones, the power has never actually been in my hands.

‘I think, therefore I am’ does not apply toward anyone but yourself, as you might have guessed. This is because what one person thinks, another person may believe the very opposite. I wish other people would not influence me as much as they do, but it is a comforting thought to think of them as part of me, sensitive but explorative to who and what may make us feel and act different.

I have come to the realization that the heart is like a hearth. As the catalyst for many of our motorized functions and attaching feelings to our favorite colors, the heart thrives on being fed; what brings forth energy is energy, as it cannot be replaced.

But how many different kinds of energies are there, and how do we know which is best for us?

I think it would be best to track your own individual analysis in reading the following statements with their respected follow-up:

  1. Matching someone’s energy and the same person matching your energy feels good.

a) True

b) False

c) Neutral

  1. Actions and words from someone you care deeply about affects your energy, regardless of their positive or negative medium of communication.

a) True

b) False

c) Neutral

  1. Think of a person who makes you the happiest in your life right now. Are they also the same person who has the ability to make you saddest?

a) True

b) False

c) Neutral

  1. If love is a feeling and feelings takes energy to produce, would love be considered a type of energy in your book?

a) True

b) False

c) Neutral


Now let me tell you something.

Mostly a’s: You have an anxious attachment style

Mostly b’s: You’ve got a crazy dark vibe

Mostly c’s: You have an avoidant attachment style

The KEY to getting over an unrequited love (an unreciprocated energy exchange) is time. A guarantee for that energy to find you again after having been given away, not exchanged, but traded as a commodity.

The other key to to steer-clear of ever encountering one is to stick to what you know best, mostly a’s or mostly c’s, their assigned energy categories for my conclusion. Thank you research methods<3

The last thing love lacks is limits. It is cherished and neglected by the same virtues.

Time: to build connections and observe and learn from the layers that which posses every anatomical being on Earth.

**SIDENOTE: while some people fall in love fast and other burn more slowly, it is important to remember that love is never a race or permanent destination. Those in love continue to strengthen the foundational values of their partner as time goes by!

Dependability: Will they show up for you or not? It is a very simple question that shoots out an immediate answer and perhaps ill-fated consequences.

Not getting it yet? That’s okay!

Some real-life examples of unrequited love include:

  • The zoo

  • All of back-stabbing history

  • Processed food

  • Bad trips

I’ll talk to my therapist about this and let you guys know what she thinks.


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Love Is…