I’m Brain Dead, Dad

I could be doing more, but I simply do not have the motivation to do so. It took losing my twin flame and an isolation from codependency to truly see my worth: a young girl in a ramen world. Yes, I could eat it every day. I sit to this fact watching my tower of packets grow shorter with each class I decide to not attend. I eat them when I am bored too. He used to make me fancy ramen with an egg.

It’s been more than okay though. I call my parents more because I forgot that they know almost everything. Earlier this week I hung out with my mom and felt her world consume me in the most loving manner. I pointed and stared adoringly at a strawberry-sprinkled doughnut with a heaping of pink icing in Ingles and consequently waited for a judgmental silent look as the shopping cart fixated past any temptations. A light emitted from her voice rang with the utmost simplicity of wanting the best for someone as she carelessly said “Go and get it.”

Distance correlates with the passing of time. However you choose to run the race depends on what kind of gain you will make out of it. Accomplishing and failing in the game of growing up bores truths you will accept easily or hide deep down until it is forced back up. Either way, you are paving your own race. Timed through your own actions and washed down with the refreshments of simple nourishment like partying or sitting and staring on autopilot, this race only leaves your introspection longing for more to work with. I am typing this at a rate that I think is terrible for an aspiring writer, but it makes my brain work which ultimately makes me happy.

I love my life for everything that it is because what else is there to do except be thankful for what I have experienced and learned? Thank you for making me tough enough to live by my own uniquely curated prophecy. The end is not near until I have nothing else to love.


Flesh and Seen


Zoning In