We see the light every day and choose to live through its irradiation. To be blinded is to be illusory, under the influence of what makes us steer clear of the current path we are on. By the light, we are given life. By consequence, we are subject to be seen.
In our hours of darkness, we are bound to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. How we choose to move forward is based on the warmth it’s fantasy gives us. While our days are illuminated by the possibility of what we would like it to be, it does not come without the cost of colder, darker clouds of thought.
Under the light we gleam and glitter at every angle, highlighting our jagged ends with a kaleidoscope of color, waiting to be felt from one end of the spectrum to the other. A mass of memories coats our reproduction of the future and allows us to see the light in other things.
Fly too close to the sun and we will melt and fall alike with every other substance undergone radiation, because to be contaminated is to heavy ourselves with the burden of infecting everything here on afterwards. So how do we rid ourselves of what is toxic without burning ourselves from the inside out?
Protection against what is known to cause harm has been marginalized to the acronym PPE, personal protection equipment. Hand in hand with too much of anything being a bad thing, we are introduced to a lifestyle enveloped in preserving balance; we need sunlight for proper nutrition but beware, there is a fine line between adequate nutrition and developing the risk of having our cells rage against their boney, muscly, nervous cage.
So, how do we know when enough is enough? Typically we can tell by the time we can understand who we are fundamentally as individuals with different reactions, thoughts, feelings and processes. Where I can see the clear outline of my personal finish line, I also struggle to accept the darkness around me of which outlines that light. If you take the good with the bad, it won’t end up being that bad!
The question of ‘why’ is my armor that I unconsciously believe will protect me from harm, but truthfully, it weighs me down in this world that I love to experience; either cut down or prevailing as I stick my sword into the ground, I am free after giving it my best try, making my contamination of fear nothing more than the tears my blessed life gives me the opportunity to wipe away so I may see the light in a brighter day.