It’s unfortunate because I don’t want to believe I have any ptsd from my past because I really do love experiencing new things, but what triggers me is the realistic aspects within television. I am a currently a communications major, which delves into the mediums of reaching an audience; strictly professional as a message to a receiver means. What happened is we learned to fall in in love with tv. We love entertainment. These give us a fleeting feeling into our past, present, and future moments, desires, and attractions; it is everything we either want or can relate to in a given frame. Aspects of audio, dialogue, and the all too well non-verbal apprehension of our human actualization are the makings of real-time ideas, questions, and figures.
Is TV the key to unlocking the brain fog behind wanting to be numb? I love seeing the fashion, beauty, and feeling in a comforting place I turn to reside within. It is inspiring to see what could be from a perspective meant to be shared. Unless you believe in the reptilian conspiracy theory, we are all human in our need to fit in. What our individual spirit longs for is an in-group at the least, and seeking refuge in relatability can help us make landmarks on the map of our souls we sometimes feel at the darkest, furthest corners, grasping at the tether to our center.
I am grateful for the gift of introspection and more weary of the unexpectedness of its revelations, much like a worm enjoying the warm pavement only to picked up and tossed back into the mud it first got cold from. The time I have now is one tried and constantly driven to comparison. I don’t know, it’s nice to think that the creators, producers, directors, and writers of mainstream television can sometimes tie in together so beautifully the shared human experience and feelings which then drive us to further take us away from being machines; we react and respond whether we like it or not.
Why so many talented actors make appearances is due to their wide range of humanity. Understanding how and enjoying replicating the relationships within our universe are skillfully brought to us by those dedicated to inspiring others, whether you’re a behind the scenes creative nit picker or a feelings distributor who illuminates the work of so many collaborators.
These people go through with an idea that takes years in the making to even then capture the perfect display of what they mean. I think I like tv and movies because they don’t ever change. Their style, their effort, their meaning, and how they get better with time because they remind you that what once was is possible; the reasons sequels and spin offs tend to never work is because recapturing the essence of where it all began becomes harder to find within the reactions they’ve caused. It is a gift to make things good last, but it’s also okay for those same things to reap rewards. Trying to make your life like a movie sounds exciting, but making it a reality can only come through priority. What message do you want to leave the world with?